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Breaking News :China's eye on the US research paper, trying to grab!

Breaking News: China's eye on the US research paper, trying to grab!

Breaking News: The ongoing China-US conflict is not stopping. On the contrary, tensions are rising in some activities of the two countries. This time, the United States has complained that China is trying to manipulate US research on coronavirus. According to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), about half of the cases they are currently investigating are related to China.

FBI Director Christopher Ray recently said that China has its eye on various US healthcare institutions, pharmaceutical companies, researchers, and educational institutions. They are trying to manipulate US research on coronavirus through these organizations.

He said the FBI is currently investigating about 5,000 cases. Of these, about two and a half thousand belong to China. "We are in a situation where we have to investigate one incident every 10 hours against China," said Christopher Ray.
Asked what kind of strategy China is pursuing, the FBI director said, "Americans need to know that China is using all possible means, including cyber-attacks, to achieve its goals." They even try to steal documents by sending someone in person. '

"China is not just using members of its intelligence service," said Christopher. They are using various state-owned institutions, some so-called private institutions, a certain number of postgraduate students, researchers and people of various classes and professions as tools.

The FBI director complained, "China often steals US intelligence without focusing on innovation." Then they apply this information against the US institutions. It is alleged that the ambassador provided the information to Hussein.

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