10 ways to increase immunity| Coronavieus News
Natural sources such as lemon, orange malt, mango, grapefruit, etc. It is also available in tablet form in the market, which can be sucked once or twice a day for flu symptoms.
The world Coronavirus crisis is taking a terrible turn. Every day the number of people infected with COVID-19 disease and the number of deaths are increasing by leaps and bounds. The situation in our country is no exception. The countries of the developed world are struggling to treat such a large number of patients. In this case, we should pay more attention to prevention and therefore should pay more attention to increase immunity or boost immunity. So today I will talk about 10 effective ways to make the immune system against coronavirus
1. Eating habits:
Eat balanced and nutritious food. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits. It is better to chew whole fruit instead of fruit juice. It also contains fiber along with nutrition. Drink enough 8-10 glasses of water. Avoid fast food, extra fat, and spicy foods as much as possible.
2. Vitamins and Minerals:
Plays an important role in boosting immunity. Vitamin C: Natural sources are sour fruits, such as lemons, oranges, malts, mangoes, grapefruits, etc. Also available in tablet form in the market, which you can suck 1-2 times a day for flu symptoms. However, the effectiveness of vitamin C obtained from natural sources is higher.
Vitamin D:
Its natural source is sunlight, which exposes certain parts of the body from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Can.
For flu or cold-cough symptoms, zinc has several benefits. Zinc-rich foods are ginger, garlic, nuts, marine fish, etc. You can take zinc supplements in the form of lozenge in the market after 2-3 hours.
3. Honey: Honey contains some antiseptic ingredients such as hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide which works against RNA virus. So honey is quite beneficial in flu symptoms but in case of diabetic patients should be eaten with caution.
4. Probiotics: For example, yogurt, cheese, etc., contain certain ingredients that help increase the patient's immunity.

5. Stay stress-free: Excessive stress increases our body's sympathetic activity and releases the hormone cortisol, which can disrupt the immune system. So you have to try to stay stress-free. News on TV, social media is putting you under stress. Stay away from them. To divert the mind, have a good time with other family members, listen to music, read books, watch movies, or concentrate on learning something new. Also, yoga exercises or meditation is a very good way to keep the mind calm
6. Physical exercise: Physical exercise is essential to keep the body healthy and increase immunity. Especially in the current situation when we are all at home. Adults should exercise for at least 30 minutes every day and children for 1 hour every day. All you can do from home is walking, cycling, yoga, weight shifting, climbing stairs.
7. Avoid smoking and alcohol: especially smoking, which directly damages your respiratory system. Since coronavirus is a respiratory disease, it increases the risk of infection. So quit smoking completely and do Respiratory Exercise. Avoid alcohol completely.
8. Weight control: There is no substitute for weight control to keep the body's immune system intact. Eat moderately and stay physically active.
9. Sleep: Remember, this is a very important issue. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Adequate rest to renew our Immune System Boost 3.
10. Hygiene: If we want to protect ourselves from coronavirus infection, it is very important to maintain cleanliness in ourselves and the surrounding environment. Wash your hands with soap and water at regular intervals. Clean utensils with disinfectant. Keep door handles, switches, elevator buttons clean with disinfectant, and use a mask. So at this time, you have to be aware and careful about these things. Because prevention is better than cure.